Coral Large Decal/Sticker
Description of Art:
This drawing is my interpretation of Lord Gris’ character Coral for her draw this in your style challenge on instagram.
*Sold with permission from character designer
Specifications of Product: 8in tall waterproof homemade decal/sticker that’s perfect for cars, notebooks, and more!
Description of Art:
This drawing is my interpretation of Lord Gris’ character Coral for her draw this in your style challenge on instagram.
*Sold with permission from character designer
Specifications of Product: 8in tall waterproof homemade decal/sticker that’s perfect for cars, notebooks, and more!
Description of Art:
This drawing is my interpretation of Lord Gris’ character Coral for her draw this in your style challenge on instagram.
*Sold with permission from character designer
Specifications of Product: 8in tall waterproof homemade decal/sticker that’s perfect for cars, notebooks, and more!